Monday, 11 February 2019

Lesson 2

Week 2

Hello everyone. Today I will share about what have I learned in week 2.

C - Computer
A - Assisted
L - Language
L - Learning

CALL is the side of e-learning where computer technology is used in the context of lanuguage learning (Yuan, 2017 : 416). There are four types of CALL Programs which are CALL-specific software (e.g. CD-ROMs, online), Web-based learning materials (e.g. in websites, blogs, wikis), Generic Software (e.g. word-processor, presentation software, spreadsheet), and lastly the Computer- mediated communication (CMC) programs (e.g. synchronous: online chat ; asychronous: email and discussion forum).

Other than that, I also learned about the software design and pedagogy. The major CALL development projects are usually managed by a team of people:

  • A subject specialist (also known as a content provider) - usually a language teacher
  • A programmer who is familiar with the chosen programming language or authoring tool
  • A graphic designer to produce pictures and icons
  • A professional photographer or at least a very good amateur photographer
  • A sound engineer 
Besides that, Madam Azidatun also explained about the progression of  CALL. There are three types of progression of CALL, which are:

  1. Behaviouristic CALL  - Programmed instruction involves repetitive drill and practice 
  2. Communicative CALL - Focused on the usage of language rather than perfect grammar
  3. Intergrated CALL - The intergration of real-world materials into CALL 
Lastly, my classmates and I was taught by Madam Azidatun on how to use Canva to create beautiful design for templates of anything that we want to do. Before this I never know the existence of Canva and just edit my photo by using any apps on my phone but now I can use Canva to make my photo looks more beautiful before I post it on any of my social media.😁😁😁

Thats all for now, see yaaa.

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